ft_printf is a project that mimics the real printf function.
Although wide in scope, it’s not a difficult project.
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND before starting off:
Conversions to handle: csdiupxX%
Flags to handle: 0-.*
Value to return: length of the printed string (int).
Reading the man multiple times while coding will counter-intuitively save you a lot of time on special cases. I’ll just leave this one here as an example:
> man 3 printf
If the 0 and - flags both appear, the 0 flag is ignored. If a precision is given with a numeric conversion (d, i, o, u, x, and X), the 0 flag is ignored.
Since we need to print stuff, we will use the function write() extensively in this project. Remember that write() is a function of type int that returns the number of characters printed out.
This could be useful for printf return value : wink wink :
Our final repo will look similar to this:
├── includes/
├── libft/
├── srcs/
├── Makefile
printf prints stuff in a specified format, such as left aligned, right aligned, zero-padded, etc.
These infos are given by the flags, and we need to stock these infos in a struct in order to print the string correctly.
There are many ways of doing a struct, this is a just an example.
typedef struct s_print
va_list args; # arg to print out
int wdt; # width
int prc; # precision
int zero; # zero padding
int pnt; # .
int dash; # -
int tl; # total_length (return value)
int sign; # pos or neg number
int is_zero; # is number zero
int perc; # %
int sp; # space flag ' '
} t_print;
After defining your struct, you have to initialise it in your srcs/ft_printf.c:
t_print *ft_initialise_tab(t_print *tab)
tab->wdt = 0; # we set everything to 0, false
tab->prc = 0;
tab->zero = 0;
tab->pnt = 0;
tab->sign = 0;
tab->tl = 0;
tab->is_zero = 0;
tab->dash = 0;
tab->perc = 0;
tab->sp = 0;
return (tab);
}int ft_printf(const char *format, ...)
t_print *tab;
tab = (t_print *)malloc(sizeof(t_print));
if (!tab)
return (-1);
Your ft_printf will loop through a string and will evaluate it.
As long as the string is not a %, you will keep printing what you read.
When you encounter a %, you will know there is a variable to print.
int ft_printf(const char *format, ...)
int i;
int ret;
t_print *tab;
tab = (t_print *)malloc(sizeof(t_print));
if (!tab)
return (-1);
va_start(tab->args, format);
i = -1;
ret = 0;
while (format[++i]) # while the string exists
if (format[i] == '%') # if the current char is %
i = ft_eval_format(tab, format, i + 1); # evaluate format**
ret += write(1, &format[i], 1); # print what you read
ret += tab->tl;
free (tab);
return (ret);
}# [**] why i + 1 ?
# because we start evaluate from the character after the %
Once you encounter a %, you’ll need to evaluate your format, for ex. with a function ft_eval_format().
Your ft_eval_format function will probably be another loop that, in pseudo code, will look like this:
while not udcsupxX%
if (format[pos] == '.')
tab->pnt = 1; # we set it to true, 1
if (format[pos] == '-')
tab->dash = 1;
// etc
Once you break out of this loop, it means you have encountered a conversion. You’ll then need an if-else to choose the right conversion type, like this, always in pseudo code:
if (format[pos] == 'c')
if (format[pos] == 'd' || format[pos] == 'i')
Now it’s time to use the information you saved in your struct to print the string in the correct format, here’s an example for the c conversion:
void ft_print_char(t_print *tab)
char a;
a = va_arg(tab->args, int); # variadic function
ft_update_tab(tab, 1); # calculate special cases and length
if (tab->wdt && !tab->dash) # if width and not - flag
ft_right_cs(tab, 0); # handle right alignment
tab->tl += write(1, &a, 1); # print char
if (tab->wdt && tab->dash) # if width and - flag
ft_left_cs(tab, 0); # handle left alignment
There is still one thing to keep in mind, variadic functions.
Variadic functions are functions whose total number of elements is unknown at the beginning.
For ex, you could printf(“%s %d”, “hello”, 0), which is 2 things, or printf(“%s %d %c”, “hello”, 0, ‘w’), which is 3 things.
And so on and so forth. You don’t know how many things you’ll have to print before actually starting printing.
We already used variadic functions above, let’s do a quick recap.
How to declare, initialise, move through and close a variadic function.
va_list args; # declarationva_start(args, format)# we initialise it,
# passing the name of the variable args and
# the last known element, in our case format
# from ft_printf(const char *format,...)# in our function, every time we encounter a conversion csdipuxX%
# we need to move to that variable (string, char, int etc.)
# to read its value (see above, ft_print_char)
va_arg(args, int) # every time, we call va_arg()
# to move to the next variable in memory
# we pass the name of the variable args and
# the type of the variable to va_argva_end(args) # when we are done, we close this function in
# this way, see above ft_printf()
Here a quick table for each conversion type:
c = va_arg(args, int)
s = va_arg(args, char *)
d = va_arg(args, int)
i = va_arg(args, int)
u = va_arg(args, unsigned int)
p = va_arg(args, unsigned long)# or
#(unsigned long)va_arg(args, void *);
x = va_arg(args, unsigned int)
X = va_arg(args, unsigned int)
4 — TIPS
Length and how to fit width and precision into the right length will take a great deal of your time. Be patient, start from unit tests and read the man.
5 — TESTERS (I suggest to use them in this order, from basic to advance)
https://github.com/gavinfielder/pft # basic unit tests
https://github.com/Mazoise/42TESTERS-PRINTF # multiple flags
https://github.com/cacharle/ft_printf_test # randomly generated
6 — OTHER TEST CASES tested by moulinette
INT_MIN and INT_MAX for d and i
%2000.0008% multiple zeros for precision with % conversion
with and without width